Interim AGM
Palmerston North HFNZ members will be hosting the HFNZ interim AGM in Palmerston North this year on Saturday November 9th 2024 10-4pm
Caccia Birch House, Awhina Room, 130 Te Awe Awe Street, Hokowhitu Palmerston North 4410. There is lots of parking up the driveway. Link to venue:
Starting: 10am with morning Tea- grazing style kai: fruit, herbal pikelets, herbal water and teas, coffee, juice.
10.30-11:45am Guest Speaker: Helen Lehndorf - author of ‘A Foragers Life’. She will be speaking about her book and foraging tips. Helen’s book:
12pm LUNCH - local caterer focusing on healthy herbal kai
1pm: AGM
Following the AGM: Exploring the grounds of Caccia Birch House’s gardens OR visit to Te Pātikitiki community herb garden (otherwise visit community garden on Sunday morning before brunch).
Dinner at restaurant catering for all dietary needs (pay for your own meal and drinks).
Sunday 9am
Te Pātikitiki community herb garden OR/AND Brunch at café (TBC!)
We will be preparing a list of other possible places to visit, to ensure your travels are fulfilling and worthwhile.
RSVP please to: *Please add AGM to subject line.